AFH Wealth Management Intermediate Excel 2016 course comments

Intermediate Excel 2016 –

Comments from attendees on an Intermediate Excel 2016 course run on their premises:

“I like the friendly style with plenty of examples. Best part of the course: the informal hands on style – keeps it fresh”.

“Simple and personal. Best part of the course: all of it, it was at the right pace”.

“Best part of the course: filtering/sorting – this will be invaluable”.

“Best part of the course: interactivity and exercises”.

“Very methodical and clear. Best part of the course: applying the learning to exercises”.

“Content was great and extremely useful to apply to my work. Best part of the course: new functions such as F11 for charts!”.

– Ethan, Joseph, Heather, Steph, Lily and Lorraine