Virtual Basic Word Training Course

Our Virtual basic Word training course can be run in all versions of Microsoft.

All of our courses are run as full day courses and so run from 9:30am to 4pm. To break the day up we plan in two coffee breaks and a lunch break. Although the timings for our courses follow this standard layout, we can also alter them to fit in with what you need. As well as the standard course content found on our agendas, we can also create a bespoke course to be tailored to your needs. Whatever you are looking for just ask, we’d be happy to help.

Key Content

The key content that is covered in the virtual course can be found below:


  • Tabs, Ribbons and customisation
  • Basic Word features
  • Formatting, Shading, Borders
  • Find Replace. Justify
  • Spelling and Grammar
  • Tabs
  • Bullets
  • Styles and Quick Parts
  • Page Setup and Margins
  • Header and Footer
  • Simple Tables
  • Inserting columns
  • Exercises throughout

Course Objectives

The aim of this course is to equip the trainee with the knowledge of how to lay out a document in Word, gain skills in text alignment and how to select words, sentences and paragraphs. As well as this Word Styles use is looked at, how to insert tables and simple pictures and also how you can utilise some features in Word to increase neatness and efficiency.

Comments and Testimonials

Snow Business testimonial – working alongside staff in Excel

The session was very well structured with a good combination of theory and practical work. It was very useful to do individual examples of each task and the course notes are thorough without being confusing. John was a great teacher and catered for all knowledge levels. The pace of the day was great, at no point did we feel John was moving on too quickly but the sessions didn’t ‘drag’.

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Lime Marketing – delivering bespoke training courses for staff

John has delivered Excel, Word and Outlook training to us at Lime Marketing over the last few months, he has trained around 20 employees and has created bespoke courses to suit our time, money and skill requirements. I’m pleased to say that the individual feedback from our team has been brilliant, everyone has come away feeling more confident and knowledgeable, from a business point of view it is fantastic to see employees valuing and enjoying Johns sessions and most importantly using new skills in the workplace. We look forward to continuing to work with John.

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IKON Dental Suite Testimonial – helping train staff in Microsoft Office

We wanted to share a quick note and let you know that you did a really good job on giving us the training that we need for Excel and PowerPoint.

As we all know these both are big topics which suit every company differently. We cannot thank you enough for taking the time to tailor this course to our needs.

John is an excellent trainer and very generous with his tips. We were also very impressed by the excellent and efficient before and after communication in between us.

The whole team benefitted greatly from the day. We are looking forward booking more courses provided by you.

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Microsoft Excel Courses at AFH Wealth Management

John is an excellent trainer and has helped many of our staff members become competent users of Excel, which has ultimately improved efficiencies when performing their job roles. John’s “learn by doing” style of teaching is very effective as it enables the trainees to get hands-on experience while they develop their skills within the system.

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Direct Air Testimonial – helping train staff in Microsoft 365 packages

JPL IT Training has provided exceptional remote training for members of our Sales & Marketing team. The team had varying levels of Microsoft knowledge, so the training covered Word, Excel and PowerPoint. All of the team found the courses they attended really useful. As a result they have been implementing key takeaways in their day-to-day work such as shortcuts and formatting tools. The training was 1-2-1 and very flexible to each learners’ requirements. This style was a fantastic method of training for our business. Thank you to John & Rachel!

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