Same face…just a new name! Introducing JPL IT Training Ltd!

Our company has a new name!

Hi all,

We hope that you have been coping with the hotter weather this week and have been able to stay cool (it took 3 fans to keep the office bearable yesterday!).

Just a news post to let you all know that we have a new company name! We have been thinking about changing the company name now for a couple of years as we are now more of an ‘IT training’ company rather than ‘Computer Services’ company.

As the business has changed over the years we felt that this was a good time for a new name to match what we offer now.

So introducing our new name… JPL IT Training Limited!

Still same company, same staff and same great (not our words, our attendees!) training. So even though it may look like a new company, it’s still the same team behind it all.

We hope you all have a good weekend!

– the team at JPL IT Training Limited