View Tab features in Word – using them to compare documents

View Tab features in Word – do you know either of these? Watch the video to learn more

View Tab features in Word: Word iconThis week’s hint and tip is on some view tab features in Word. In this hint and tip we are covering the Split and the View Side by Side option. These are covered in our Intermediate Word training course but not fully so we decided to do a hint and tip on them. We are going to go through them both now below.


Split option

This button is found on the View Tab in the Windows gallery on the ribbon. This option allows you to split your document into two so that you can view two parts of the document at the same time. This can be very useful for when you want to compare parts of the same document against each other. To insert a split, just click on the button and it will insert it. You can then move the position of the split by clicking and dragging up or down. To then remove the split, click back on the button which will now say ‘Remove Split’ and your document goes back to normal.


View Side by Side option

This option is found again in the same place on the View Tab in the Windows gallery on the ribbon. This option is very useful for when you want to compare two documents side by side to each other.  To turn it on, click on the View Side by Side button on the ribbon. It will only compare two at a time so if you have more than two documents open it will ask you to select the one you wish you use.

When you have selected the button, it will arrange your screen so that two documents are open evenly sized. There is an option for synchronous scrolling which is automatically selected. This is useful as it allows you to scroll down in the document with the pages scrolling at the same time. To turn it off, just click back on to the View Side by Side button and it will go back to the documents being fullscreen.


The video below shows you how to use both of these little useful features in your Word documents. These features might appear small but there will come times where they might just be what you need!

Take a look below at the video to find out more and then try them out on your own computer!

We hope you have enjoyed this hint and tip on the View Tab features in Word. Why not take a look at our previous video hint and tip on part 2 of useful features in Word?