Build It International – Bespoke Word/PowerPoint 365 course comments

Bespoke Word/PowerPoint 365 –

Comments from attendees on a bespoke Word/PowerPoint 365 course run on their premises:

“Really clear and engaging. Best part of the course: small changes, big impact”

“Best part of the course: all excellent – PPT extra functions really useful”

“Very useful and unique info – thank you for covering so much. Best part of the course: PowerPoint and multi level lists”

“Best part of the course: range of content covered is always pitched just right! Informative and fun, always come away with some helpful hints and tips”

“Exceeded expectations of the course! Best part of the course: reminder of everything I’ve forgotten, a good refresher! It also helped me to save lots of time with MS shortcuts”

– Marianne, Andrew, Christine, Liz and Susan