Spirax Sarco – Advanced Excel 365 course comments

Advanced Excel 365 –

Comments from attendees on an Advanced Excel 365 course run on their premises:

“Best part of the course: vlookups and advanced filtering – useful for my job”

“Best part of the course: John was very engaging and kept me interested throughout”

“Informational and concise. Best part of the course: the clarity of delivery”

“Was very informative and very good. Best part of the course: pivot tables with slicers and nested vlookups”

“All courses excellent, made it brilliant and enjoyable. Best part of the course: the detail and the solutions”

“Best part of the course: pivot tables and advanced filtering”

“Really impressed with material, but even more so by John and his approach – thank you! Best part of the course: the way John taught us”

– Jessica, Michelle, William, Rob, Adam, Mark and Grace