Intermediate Excel Training 2010 comments from Dawleys

Intermediate Excel Training 2010 –

Comments from attendees on an Intermediate Excel Training 2010 course run on their premises over two days:

“Clear, concise, good to do as we learn. Best part of the course: having the software in front of me and working through mini tasks”.

“Chance to view notes/make notes as you go through. Best part of the course: Being hands on! Having the chance to do the tasks as you work through”.

“Explains clearly & step by step. Very well supported with the notes for reference. Best part of the course: that it was interactive and that the skills are something I can go and use instantly”.

“Best part of the course: Pivot Tables, Sub totals, quick access toolbar”.

“Always informative. Best part of the course: finding out quicker methods of processing data”.

“Great course and great trainer. Best part of the course: F11, filtering and formulas’.

“Was really informative and will save hours on simple tasks. Best part of the course: simple changes to make life easier, e.g. F11 and A-Z”.

“Best part of the course: hard to say, it was all very informative”.

– James, Leigh-Ann, Sarah, Sally, Gemma, Michelle, Luke and Martin

You can read more about our training courses that we offer, here.