Text Wrapping in Word – how to use it plus some extra features

Text wrapping in Word – how do I use this? Watch the video to learn more

text wrapping in Word: Word iconThis week’s hint and tip is about how to use text wrapping in Word when inserting. This is covered in our Intermediate Word training course but not fully in detail, so we decided to do a post on it. We are going to go through it now below.


Where do you find the option for text wrapping?

Firstly make sure that you have selected the image/object that you want to change the text wrapping of. Once selected there are two places to find the text wrapping option. The first is when you select the image/object a box will appear in the top right corner of the image. This is the ‘layout options’ button. When you click on this, the text wrapping options will be displayed for you to choose from.

The second is when you select the image a Format Tab will appear at the top of the screen. You will then find a button with ‘Wrap Text’ on it along the ribbon. When you click on this, the text wrapping options will be displayed same as before.


How to change the text wrapping applied to an image/object

Firstly select the image/object. Next follow either of the ways mentioned above to bring up the text wrapping options. From here select the text wrapping that you wish to apply. This will have then applied it to the image/object. You should see how the text now wraps around the image/object when you move it depending on which option you selected.


Other layout options

At the bottom of the text wrapping options there are two other options you can use. These are to do with what the image/object does when you add or delete text around it. These options allow you to choose whether the image/object moves or not with the text as more text is inserted or deleted. By default it will select the move with text option, so if you want to anchor the image/object to a certain part of the document, then you need to select the second option.


The video below shows you how to apply text wrapping to an image/object in a Word document. It also shows you some other layout options you can apply. These options are useful for making your documents appear better with how the text interacts with images/object.

Take a look below at the video to find out more and then try it out on your own computer!

We hope you have enjoyed this hint and tip on Text wrapping in Word. Why not take a look at our previous video hint and tip on inserting new slides in PowerPoint?