Intermediate PowerPoint Training Course

Our Intermediate PowerPoint training course can be carried out in all versions of Microsoft.

All of our courses are full day courses, typically running from 9:30am to 4pm with two coffee breaks and a lunch break throughout to break up the course. Timings can be slightly flexible though to fit in with your needs. We can also create a bespoke course to tailor the contents of the course to your needs. Just ask, we’d be happy to help.

Key Content

The key content that is covered in the course can be found below:


  • Custom Animation – Emphasis Spin
  • Grouping objects. Delays, Progress objects
  • Spin Animation exercise
  • Custom Shows – Continuously looping
  • Creating a Photo album slide show – inserting photos onto slides. Apply automatic transitions with times
  • Picture backgrounds. Custom animation entrance and Exit
  • Advance Quiz Show. Motion Path animation
  • Amending Complex Animation. Entrances and clockwise objects
  • Word Art as a Slide Master
  • Word Art Templates
  • Saving as a show and saving as PDF
  • Complex chart creation with animation
  • Timelines
  • Exercises throughout

Course Objectives

The objective of this course is to enable the trainee to understand the more complex aspects of custom animation including exit and motion paths. We will cover the use of photo slide shows and looping controls and also how to use Word Art to good effect.


Does the training cover the latest Microsoft Office 365 updates?
Definitely. The majority of the content of our PowerPoint training courses transfers across and is compatible with any future updates of Microsoft 365. As well as this though, all of our PowerPoint 365 training courses are reviewed regularly to ensure any new tools and features are not missed out.


How is the Intermediate PowerPoint training course structured?
Our Intermediate course builds on and covers topics from the basic course in more detail. We do also cover some new topics too. The topics are organised to build on throughout the day. There are 2 short breaks, one mid morning and one mid afternoon, and lunch break planned in to break up the whole day course.


How do I know if this is the right level course for my PowerPoint training needs?
As this is the Intermediate level course, you will be a regular user of PowerPoint in your work. To know if this is the right level, have a look at the content on the basic course and if you know at least 80% of it confidently then you are ok to do this level. If you are unsure, we advise it is best to do the basic level first to make sure you are confident enough to benefit from this level.


How can Microsoft PowerPoint training benefit my business?
PowerPoint is used by businesses in all sectors and so any training will benefit your members of staff greatly. There are many benefits including increasing your team’s productivity and strengthening their skills for creating presentations, all helping your business stand out in any industry.


Comments and Testimonials

Microsoft Office Access – supporting your business development

John worked closely with the office team at Red Hill Christian Centre… as our needs have grown and changed he has trained us to adapt this at each stage.

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Chamber of Commerce – Excel Training for Forest Garden Group

John delivered the session in a relaxed manner. He ensured that all abilities were catered for and that people were learning at their own pace.
For the employees that needed a little more time, they did not feel pressured to move on and for the employees that were a little more advanced, John demonstrated some great tips and tricks!!
The day sessions were interesting, enjoyable and well planned. We can totally recommend this course and have booked for future intermediate training and an advanced bespoke course.

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Build It International testimonial – helping those that help others

Thanks to @johnlegge for our recent Excel training session helping us to manipulate data quicker and more effectively 📊📈 Lots of really useful hints and tips that we’ve already been putting into practise! #MasterYourData 🤓 #BuildingBrighterFutures

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Harvey and Brockless – working alongside JPL for training needs

We have worked with John for a number of years now in group environments from basic to masterclass levels, and in 121 sessions tailored around our specific requirements. We’ve seen in this time, our staff grow in confidence and ability through John’s tuition, which has in turn benefitted our company and our staffs’ own development.

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Chamber of Commerce – Excel Training for Baylis & Harding

John delivered the session in a relaxed manner. He ensured that all abilities were catered for and that people were learning at their own pace.
For the employees that needed a little more time, they did not feel pressured to move on and for the employees that were a little more advanced, John demonstrated some great tips and tricks!!
The day sessions were interesting, enjoyable and well planned. We can totally recommend this course and have booked for future intermediate training and an advanced bespoke course.

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