Microsoft Office Courses Warwickshire

Inserting Process SmartArt Diagrams in PowerPoint – how do I insert them into my slides?

Hints and Tips

Inserting Process SmartArt Diagrams in PowerPoint – how do I insert this type of SmartArt […]

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Excel Conditional Formatting with Dates – have you used this feature before in your spreadsheets?

Excel Conditional Formatting with Dates – taking conditional formatting a step further in your spreadsheets […]

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New Excel Status Bar Feature Coming Soon! Copying from the status bar in to Excel

Excel Tips

New Excel Status Bar Feature Coming Soon – did you know you will be able […]

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Advanced Filtering Methods – how do you use it?

Excel Tips

Advanced Filtering Methods – what are the ways in which you can use it? This […]

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Data Subtotals with Visible Cells – have you used the visible cells only option before?

Excel Tips

Data Subtotals with visible cells – using the visible cells only option with the Data […]

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FILTER vs VLOOKUP Function in Excel – which one should I use?

Excel Tips

FILTER vs VLOOKUP Function in Excel – have you used both? Which do you prefer? […]

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Duplicate Values in Excel – how can I show them?

Excel Tips

Duplicate Values in Excel – how can I shows these highlighted in my spreadsheets? This […]

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Excel Shortcuts Part 2 – F2, F4 and cut, copy and paste shortcut keys

Excel Tips

Excel Shortcuts Part 2 – the F2 and F4 function keys and cut, copy and […]

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Word and PDF’s – a warning about protection settings in Word

Hints and Tips

Word and PDF – how does the new feature of PDF to Word cause issues […]

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Time Calculations in Excel – using cell formatting to allow use of these in spreadsheets

Excel Tips

Time Calculations in Excel – how can I use cell formatting to allow use of […]

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Text Wrapping in Word – how to use it plus some extra features

Hints and Tips

Text wrapping in Word – how do I use this? Watch the video to learn […]

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Changing Excel Chart Types – changing types, styles and location

Excel Tips

Changing Excel chart types, styles and location – how do I do this? Watch the […]

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