Microsoft Office Training Courses – Cambridgeshire

Access Database Training and Consultancy

Here at JPL we offer high quality Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook and Project training throughout Cambridgeshire.

We provide a range of courses at different levels based upon all the Microsoft Office modules. The courses we provide can be carried out both on or off site and can be run for group based or one to one training. As well as our standard courses we also offer a bespoke course creation service to tailor the course content to your training needs.

Style of training

The style of training we use is more practical based as we have found this has worked best with customers over the years. We find that attendees learn best when they are able to practice what they are learning and so we carry out all our training on laptops/computers. A lot of our customers have their own laptops/computers that they use for the training but if you don’t have any that is not a problem as we have some we can loan out for the training.

Interested in Microsoft Office Training Cambridgeshire?

If you are interested in Microsoft Office training Cambridgeshire, then do get in touch! To find the course you want, have a look at the agendas on our main training page here and if there isn’t one that suits your needs let us know and we can create a bespoke one for you. Whatever course you are looking for, get in touch using our contact page and we’d be happy to help you.

What is provided on one of our courses?

All attendees are provided with a set of course notes to take away with them

Throughout the course attendees are able to use exercises to practice skills learnt

Each attendee will receive a certificate for completing the course

Comments and Testimonials

Snow Business testimonial – working alongside staff in Excel

The session was very well structured with a good combination of theory and practical work. It was very useful to do individual examples of each task and the course notes are thorough without being confusing. John was a great teacher and catered for all knowledge levels. The pace of the day was great, at no point did we feel John was moving on too quickly but the sessions didn’t ‘drag’.

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Lime Marketing – delivering bespoke training courses for staff

John has delivered Excel, Word and Outlook training to us at Lime Marketing over the last few months, he has trained around 20 employees and has created bespoke courses to suit our time, money and skill requirements. I’m pleased to say that the individual feedback from our team has been brilliant, everyone has come away feeling more confident and knowledgeable, from a business point of view it is fantastic to see employees valuing and enjoying Johns sessions and most importantly using new skills in the workplace. We look forward to continuing to work with John.

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Microsoft training experts for you | JPL IT Training Limited

John and Rachel developed some customised training to meet a particular need (computer awareness). I was impressed with the service we received from start to finish, the training met our needs and we had extremely positive feedback from the delegates, in particular about the trainers’ style and delivery.

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Fatherson Bakery Testimonial – swapping baking for Excel & PowerPoint!

I worked with John and the team at JPL who created a bespoke training program for us. This was across Excel and PowerPoint to train all our teams up to a standard we needed in the business.

They have developed a Bronze, Silver & Gold 1 day course for us. This allows our team to develop their IT and use practical examples for the their day to day roles.

Feedback has been positive and we look forward to rolling out more with John in the coming months.

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Move With Us testimonial – helping train staff in Excel

I had a workshop session with John on a survey report that was taking a considerable amount of time to complete. John explained to us that if we changed how we were initially setting out the data that the production of reports and pivot tables would be much quicker.

The Excel training we had over the course of the next two days was fantastic. John managed to keep us all focussed, he is a very engaging trainer. We were all eager to get back to our desks and start implementing what we’d learnt to make our report running much more efficient.

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